Thursday, March 26, 2009

Venus and Mars

To truly see the difference between men and women, one must look no farther than their reactions to a pregnancy announcement.

A response from another (female) teacher at my place of employment: "A baby! How exciting!"

A response from a (male) co-worker at my husband's place of employment: "You've got to be loving your wife's bigger boobs! Just wait until her milk comes in ..."

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


In addition to more photos than I can count, my husband and I like to pick up a little trinket from the locations we visit while on an extended vacation. Usually, the item is something small ... A hand painted sand dollar from our honeymoon, a piece of mountain rock from Colorado ... Definitely not something worth more than a couple of dollars.

Our family vacation to Mexico being no exception, we came home with a nice piece of coral from the beach that flanked our resort and a rustic magnet from one of the vendors around Chichen Itza ...

Or so we thought ...

It turns out, our leisurely vacation out of the States yielded something else, as well ... Something worth much more than a couple of dollars. It turns out our vacation produced a fertilized embryo, which implanted itself in my uterus, which has now grown to become a 14-week fetus.

It gives the statement "Made in Mexico" a whole new meaning for us ... One that will come in quite handy when we wish to torment our teenage son or daughter one day.
