The longer I have this blog, the more I want to just let it all out there ... Tell detailed stories about my day, tales of long ago (college, high school, childhood!), post pictures that show more than just the back of my head or the side of my face.
Yet, my better judgement causes me to err on the side of caution.
Although I'm still getting used to the profession, I've come to understand that I am a teacher and anything that I post on the world-wide-web has a very real possibility of reaching the fragile young minds (ha!) of my students. It's not like I have any risque stories or skeletons to keep hidden (I will swear up and down that I am the most boring, well behaved, law abiding person on this planet), and while I wouldn't say anything on here and I wouldn't say offline, I feel that I have a real responsibility to keep up the facade ...
At least for now.
Despite the real need for me to be committed to that decision (to remain somewhat anonymous, although I'm sure I've left enough "clues" to be found out), it bothers me that this blog will always be missing something if that's precisely what I do.
As I've spent more time on other blogs, I've come to find that there is an honesty that comes with being open and truly "putting yourself out there." I realize that, as long as a part of me is hidden in the shadows, this blog will never attain that sort of honesty. It will always be incomplete.
I've chosen to write in this forum not only because a friend pressured me to do so, but because (I feel) I actually have something to say ... Whether it's simple blabber about my day, a photograph I've taken, or a commentary on the world of teaching as I know it, I post for more reason than to just eat up some of my time. Maybe selfishly, I believe that others could read what I write and be moved in some way. At the very least, whomever stumbles here might be entertained on some level.
I know this isn't award-worthy stuff, but it's me.
It just sort of stinks that as this blog progresses, and as I find my voice, I have to hold back in some respects ... Anonymity isn't easy!
It's a good thing I'm not a superhero.
2 years ago
Mhm, I was just saying the other day that I feel like effective bloggers allow themselves to be vulnerable. A piece of me wants to be vulnerable like this, but some of my transparencies come along with stories about other people, and I get really sensitive about what I say about other people. I think most or all of what I say online is something I would say offline, but do the people around me, especially friends and family, want me to be vulnerable at their expense on the internet for the world to see? This thought keeps me holding back a bit too.
Hmmm, such a dilemma...
I have a bloggy friend who is a philosophy professor with nine kids. You should go check out her blog. YOu should also ask her how she handles having her students know so much about her personal stuff. She's one awesome lady and would be glad to offer up whatever advice she might have. Here's her address - sorry it's not a link, it's late and I'm really tired:
Tell her I sent you.
it's a smart decision. you know probably better than anyone how wired high schoolers are today--- if you gave even the slightest google-able detail and one found it, they'll all find it, and then even the most mundane details will be treated as salacious. anonymity keeps this place for you.
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