I've probably noticed many times over during the course of our marriage and previous relationship, but, tonight, it was especially apparent that my husband does not listen to a word I say!
There was a fundraiser being thrown for one the teachers that I work with at a local sports' bar. His wife, who has been battling cancer for years, recently had some complications, causing him to go on leave from teaching and ultimately making times tight for their family of four. For a small fee, my husband and I were prepared to make an appearance and enjoy some all you could eat food and all you could drink drinks, as well as a little conversation with my coworkers. As we were leaving the house, I told him (in no uncertain terms) where we were headed.
He nodded as if he understood.
My first clue that he wasn't paying attention was when he made to back out of the driveway and head the wrong direction down our street ...
My second clue was when he moved into a turn only lane to head left, when we simply had to continue straight down the road ...
After nearly being hit by another car during a quick lane change, my third clue presented itself when I kept insisting he head toward the desired street and he continued to harp on why the earlier left had turn would have made arriving at our destination easier ...
Finally on the right track, I (perhaps stupidly) asked him: "Didn't you listen to me when I said where we were headed?"
Glancing sideways at me, and much too quickly for my tastes, he replied: "Nope."
I should be mad, maybe even a little annoyed that my own husband routinely tunes me out ... As if I don't usually know better than him, anyway! Instead I somehow find the humor in all of this.
How does the saying go?
"It's either laugh or cry?"
That sounds about right.
2 years ago
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