Many days, I feel like my life is just one long line after another. I'm perpetually waiting for something ...
A snow day.
My husband's arrival home from work.
The weekend.
The summer.
A planned trip or vacation.
A holiday.
A phone call from a friend.
A television show to come on.
Dinner to be done.
A better job.
My turn to be a mother.
This list could stretch on an on without fail ...
While, for the most part, I try not to cloud my daily thinking with the many things that I am looking forward to (or just simply waiting for), sometimes it just bogs me down. Maybe the cold, grayness of winter has finally crept into my thinking and colored the way I'm seeing things. Maybe the lack of sun and vitamin D has altered my mood and brought me down. Whatever the reason, I all too clearly realize that, if I don't stop and enjoy the moment, my life will pass me by before I know it.
Already, I can't believe that the Christmas holidays are behind us, that this school year is half over, that the long-awaited family trip to Mexico has come and gone. Part of me wants to ask, "Okay! Where is the next big thing? When will [insert event here] happen?" Yet, the other part of me just wants to slow down, put the car in neutral, and be thankful for all of the things that I have already, in the moment, that I don't have to wait for.
This life can not offer me a true moment of peace and complete satisfaction.
I may really have to wait a while for that ...
2 years ago
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