I've been teaching at my school for one whole week.
The house is a mess. The bathroom sink is littered with random toiletries, toothpaste crust, hair from my head and from our cats, and is in dire need of a good scrubbing. Dirty clothes are stacking up, spilling over the sides of our upstairs laundry basket like something out of "The Blob." The master bedroom is a mess, the bed is often unmade and clean clothes are stacked at the foot of the bed and on top of our respective dressers (why they are not inside the drawers, I couldn't tell you). The living room is disheveled and the daily newspapers are creating quite a pile on our coffee table. Place mats from our dinners in front of the TV haven't been put away. The dining room table is unusable. There is more crap on there than I'd like to reveal. The kitchen (like the bathroom) is in need of a good scrubbing. There are dirty dishes in the sink, and clean ones on the counter. The white tile floor isn't so white anymore ...
I am incredibly tired. I find myself falling into bed at 9:00 pm and still not getting enough sleep. Waking at 6:15 is nothing like I have ever done (consistently) before. I can barely make it into the shower and the cold water still doesn't jostle my sleepy mind into alertness. God help me when I begin bearing children!
Quality time with my husband has become limited. I am preoccupied with getting things done for school, and he has started his next semester of course work at the community college. He jokes that we are mere "roomies" instead of a real married couple. I'm embarrassed that there's a lot of truth to that.
The point of all this?
Despite the fact that my world is just bursting at the seams ... In need of some real attention ... I am a million times happier, and more at ease today, than I was last year at this time.
Thank God for small miracles!
(And, hang in there, Love, we have a long weekend coming up!)
2 years ago