Friday, August 15, 2008

Serenity Now

With my new school year quickly approaching, I feel like I hardly have the time to stop and take a breath. Perpetually in motion, I'm rushing around to get my room ready, assemble my students' supplies, and just orient myself to the school and all the people in it.

This photo was taken during my in-law's vacation extravaganza last week, yet it feels like forever ago.

It's funny how time can move at a snail's pace, then quickly accelerate to something much faster. Hopefully, by posting this photograph here, it will remind me (and you?) that we all need to take a moment to just breathe every now and again ... To just be and enjoy all the simple things that can be so easily missed.


Lucky said...

Thank you for the reminder. You will be great at your new job. How could your new students not like you? You know, sometimes there are people on this earth that don't give us a choice whether or not we like them, we just are happy that we came across them. What I am saying have nothing to worry about.

~lifedramatic~ said...

Thank you so much for that reminder! Beautiful picture!
