Even though I was able to rid our lives of piles (and piles!) of needless stuff, I did find a little gem that I hadn't realized was there at all.
Take a look:
This page from an assignment planner (from my senior year of college) is pretty much unassuming and unnecessary for keeping except for one little thing.
Do you see it?
I'll give you a hint ... The heart drawn on the 25th.
If you look closely, that metallic heart says "9:56" inside of it. That marks the exact time my husband proposed to me, on one knee in my dorm room, and asked my in no uncertain terms to be his wife and make him the happiest man alive (his words, not mine).
It has been more than four years since that day and, hopefully, I'm still keeping up my end of the bargain. :)
Awwww...you knew the EXACT time!?
It's not as cute as you might think. I probably whipped out that planner and wrote it down moments after he asked. :)
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