Monday, June 9, 2008

Social Butterfly

I'm awkward, there are no two ways around it.

It is just part of my personality.

Put me in an overtly social situation and I clam up ... Guaranteed! I'm only half way comfortable when I'm with family or very close friends, and, even then, I have some trouble. I consider myself to be an intelligent individual, but, sometimes, when I open my mouth, I feel so irrelevant and so ... Well, dumb.

I think that is why I got a really good laugh out of this MSN ad when I saw it the other day.

I'm just like that guy, only female.

I've got a weird fashion sense, glasses not much unlike those, a need to look good and feel accepted in front of others, and I'm not up-to-date on the "must know stuff" that is spoken about in the clip:

Basketball scores? Please.

Celebrities currently in rehab? I could care less. Truth be told, there are actually instances where I secretly laugh at how people with money have more messed up lives than people without it.

Compact cars with the most horsepower? No thanks. I'm not in the market for a new car, especially with gas costing around $4.00 a gallon!

The "perfect Bahama Mama" ... Hmmm. That might actually come in handy.

Especially on a 90-degree day like today! ;)

1 comment:

~lifedramatic~ said...

