My dad is one such father:
No matter what was going on in the house during any stage of our female lives, he was always there for us. No amount of drama was too big.
When I was fourteen I started my very first period (I was a late bloomer). My mom was out of town on business at the time, clear across the country in California. With no cell phone to reach her (we didn't have one back then), I nervously went to my dad with my dilemma. He was surprisingly calm, now that I think back about it, and simply asked me what type of product I wanted him to purchase ... Tampons? Pads? Wings or no wings? I guess he had been waiting for this to happen, sooner or later, and he made the situation that much easier for me to deal with.
The above example is just one reason why the father of all daughters deserves that special place in heaven. He deals with much more than any man should have to deal with ... For all he knew, he'd only have to learn the little idosynchracies of one female, and here he ended up with three more! He knows when to just sit there an listen, and when to offer his well-seasoned advice. He knows when to enforce a curfew (usually when boys are involved) and when to let his little angels have an extra hour here or there. He knows the value of blatant honesty, especially when it comes to clothing (or the lack thereof), and isn't afraid to speak his mind on typically "girly" topics.
I am tremendously lucky to have grown up with the father that I have ... And, in my humble opinion, he is tremendously lucky to have "grown up" with us!
Who needs a bunch of boys, anyway?
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